Deborah Steward Catering is committed to sustainability in all its business activities.

Climate Change – energy

We aim to reduce the use of energy by regularly reviewing alternative energy sources encouraging staff to turn off equipment when not in use provided this can be done without compromising safety regularly checking the energy efficiency of our equipment converting to low energy LED bulbs where possible we have invested in air source water and heating systems. Updating the storage system to the highest thermal values available to avoid heat loss.

Climate Change – transport

We aim to minimise our transport use by

having an active policy encouraging staff to car share where possible. Sourcing 98% of our ingredients from local suppliers, including Royal Warrant Holders. Using seasonal ingredients wherever possible to reduce food miles and ensuring that supplies are from sustainable sources, wherever possible regularly checking vehicles to monitor emissions and buying efficient vehicles wherever possible. We use Hybrid and electric vehicle in our fleet.

Endangered Species and Animal Welfare

At DSC we exercise a ban on endangered species from our all suppliers and we work with suppliers who practice sustainable, high welfare farming.


Our meat is sourced from two local suppliers both based in the local farming community.
Fish is supplied direct from local inshore fishermen at Wells Next The Sea Norfolk whenever possible.
Poultry is supplied by local breeders and suppliers, free range eggs come from Norfolk.

Endangered Habitats and Peat

We are committed to working with those suppliers who have a solid ethical and sustainability policy.


We are committed to working with local suppliers who practice sustainable, high animal welfare methods. Fish is supplied:

direct from local inshore fishermen at Wells, Norfolk whenever possible from Royal Warrant holders including Coles of Kings Lynn who support the Marine Conservation Society which campaigns for clean seas and beaches, sustainable fisheries, protection of marine life and habitats, also smoked Salmon from Inverawe Smoke House. and the sensitive use of our marine resources for future generations.


DSC is actively against GMOs and ensures as much as possible that no GMO products are included in our supply chain.

Local Sourcing

Our commitment to local sourcing of seasonal ingredients is one of our primary objectives and has such importance to us that we tailor our catering service menus to local, sustainable and seasonal ingredients.

All our fish and vegetables are sourced from local growers and producers We also like to forage locally for ingredients such as blackberries, wild garlic and elderflowers.


We actively work with local farmers and producers, some of which are organic or which are working towards organic standards.

Timber and Paper

We actively source our consumable office supplies from MSC sources.


We aim to reduce our waste by:

Recycling 98% of our external packing and leftover produce.

We use email to communicate and avoid printing documents wherever possible.
We recycle all our office waste where applicable.


We are committed to water efficiency and aim to reduce our use of water by:

Eliminating unnecessary use and reducing essential use of water, we have an in-house biological sewage system that only outputs fresh water.

Labour Standards / Human Rights

We are committed to the highest standards in the recruitment and treatment of our staff. We have an equal opportunities policy.